Understanding Buck Scrapes

Understanding Buck Scrapes

Buck scrapes has always been a mystery to hunters and it will always be. Maybe one day the deer will start talking and tell us exactly why they are making them. I defiantly would not hold your breath!

Hunting scrapes can be frustrating and can waist a lot of time, but hunting scrapes can also be one of the best places to hunt if you understand a little information about the buck scrapes. The video below talks about scrapes and the three different types of scrapes that I see. 

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Go Get Em,

Jacob Schmitt


Jacob Schmitt started hunting when he was about 4 years of age and he has grow to love bow hunting whitetail deer in his home state of Arkansas. He loves sharing what he has learned over the years to help others become better deer hunters. He feels that it is his duty to give back what he has gained from years of trail and error to those that were not lucky enough to have grown up in a hunting family.