Advanced Scouting Tactics

Scouting With A Purpose

Have you ever wondered how to go about scouting a deer hunting area? You don't know were to start or what to look for. Maybe you have scouted and feel like you didn't accomplish anything and don't know how to make since of what you have found.  Have you ever wanted to know how to read a buck rub and know were he was going and coming from?

In this 1 hour and 18 min downloadable Deer Hunting School course you'll learn...

  • How to use aerial photos to help make a scouting plan
  • How rubs and rub lines point you to secret buck hot spots
  • Some must know trail can strategies for pressured deer
  • Tips to map out deer for seasons to come



Jacob Schmitt talks about the best time to scout and how to keep the pressure off of your hunting spots.

30 day 100% money back guarantee!


And More

You get it all for just!!!
